Situation Analysis Chapter 1 : Project Overview


Obesity defined as “The abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual’s ideal body weight”. Obesity can be assessed based on Body Mass Index (BMI) which calculated based on child’s weight and height. BMI for children is calculated different for each child according to gender and age. Due to children’s changing body compositions over time and the different growth rates of boys and girls. 

A child becomes overweight or obese can be attributed to a combination of various factors on behaviour, environment and genetics such as unhealthy eating patterns, lack of physical activity, genetic factors, a diet high in calories, too much screen time, more meals eaten away from home or a combination of those factors. Childhood obesity and overweight issues in children will age the child’s body. Many of the outcomes associated with obesity that was previously diseases of adults are now affecting children as well. According to Prof Dr Norimah from Nutriweb Obesity children are at higher risk of facing many health issues including high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, sleep Apnea and stroke. They also may suffer from psychological problems such as depression and low self-esteem. Overweight and obese children are more probable leads to become obesity teenagers and adults.

Obesity as well as their related diseases is largely preventable. Prevention of childhood obesity therefore needs high priority. Thus, the strategy towards achieving a healthy nation is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle which includes promoting healthy eating habits, early detection, maintaining a desirable diet pattern and increase physical activity. Due to the rise in childhood obesity rates, using the mass media campaign and effective promotional strategy, it helps to reduce those rates, promote the awareness of this issue, encourage practicing healthy lifestyle and provides more information and knowledge on obesity to parents and publics.


Childhood obesity and overweight has become a serious public health issues in many country. From The World Health Organization (WHO) research, stated that it is increased and doubled since 1980. Approximately, 40 million children below the age of five were overweight in 2011 especially children who lives in developing countries.  It has become so severe and affected so many children, and recently been labelled an epidemic by WHO. 

In Malaysia, the number of overweight children are higher than most of Asian countries such as Thailand and Singapore.  There is no chance of slowing down unless action is taken. Experts estimate that 15% of kids are overweight and another 15% are at risk of becoming overweight. And two thirds of these overweight kids will become overweight adults. This increased has been related to an increasing inactive lifestyle with less physical activities as well as changing dietary habits and eating pattern. This trend is expected to lead to huge economic costs to health and social security systems. Obesity among children has become a serious health problem in Malaysia and this situation occurred due to lack of awareness and information about childhood obesity among parents, ignorant about the seriousness effect of obesity and unhealthy lifestyle practices.


  • To raise the awareness on childhood obesity to public. 
  • To share information and knowledge on childhood obesity to public.
  • To promote healthy lifestyle and gives healthy start for children.
  • To encourage public to play role on preventing obesity.
  • Reduce obesity and overweight among children.
  • Improve healthy lifestyle on eating habits and physical activity.
  • Media as a tool to help deliver message to public.

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